NTV Kenya : Freedom School celebrates an impressive performance in its first KCPE Exams

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NTV Kenya : Freedom School celebrates an impressive performance in its first KCPE Exams

NTV Kenya : Freedom School celebrates an impressive performance in their first KCPE Exam (end of primary exam)

Thank you NTV Kenya for capturing our joy as we celebrated the outcomes of our first KCPE exam ever (end of primary exam). Our message is that all children matter and should be celebrated. We congratulate all schools in Nakuru and Kenya at large, for a successful KCPE season. As our student Otieno says in the video, ‘excellence is not being the best, but doing your best’. Viva Children In Freedom School

#FirstAfrocentricSchool #thebestschool

Teachers and pupils of Freedom school are over the moon over an impressive performance in their first jab at the 2022 KCPE exam.
The school in Nakuru county sat for its first national exams with 21 pupils, attaining a mean score of 355. The top student David Oiego Oyuga scored 406 marks and could not hide his joy, encouraging all students who were going to sit for the examination next year to prepare and believe in themselves fully.
“I’ll encourage those who didn’t perform well that life is not all about passing the examination but what you believe; excellence is not about being the best but doing your best.”
The school director Oku Kanayo said he was elated with the result terming it as motivation to archive better results next year.
“Honestly am so excited, the performance is our first time and we were able to hit a glass ceiling and I assure you next time, we will be ahead everywhere in the world,”
Dr. Utheri Kanayo, the school principal and co-founder, praised all pupils who sat for the national exams saying that every child matters and advising Kenyans to honor all that sat for KCPE.
“I have a message to those children who feel or are made to feel that they did not attain the marks that would bring them the kind of attention that other children with more marks will get. Maybe someone with 450 got 400, someone who got 210… an exam does not fully define who you are. It is your educational background; it is your heart, it is the model of learning that you’ve been having that makes you who you are. The schools offer an opportunity to learners from all walks of life, including those that do not perform well in their studies.