2020 Memories

2020 was our third year open. The covid-19 national lockdown prematurely closed schools, a closure that lasted ten months. We were able to establish our own online programme called Imhotep Angaza. Engineer Oku Kanayo, the school director is a seasoned software engineer and was able to design an online school platform that successfully hosted the programme. Teachers, parents and students were trained on how to use the platform. Imhotep Angaza was a total success and kept the school faculty and student body engaged, learning and thriving. Technology is a huge part of Children In Freedom School.

Below are Fb link to some of the events that happened in 2020

Fourth Cultural Day - https://web.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=childreninfreedomschool&set=a.939830376485826

E-assembly - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/1262615367438286

Fourth Cultural Day - https://web.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=childreninfreedomschool&set=a.939830376485826

Achieng’ and Anyango’s food business - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/918108308724422

Nyakeru, Jewel and Gummi (Grade 4) give an outstanding science presentation on the Breathing System - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/236894914459286

Metis visits us - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/292396062065369

Playing the recorder - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/919764408556142

Nkatha public speaking - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/822553965237136

Waweru public speaking - https://www.facebook.com/childreninfreedomschool/videos/2823950607823913