The 1st Afrocentric School

for the Black Child
for the Black Child

Holistic Human Development Centre
for African Children
We are a Holistic Human
Development Centre
for African Children
We are a Holistic Human
Development Centre
for African Children

for the Black Child
for the Black Child
for the Black Child

The 1st Afrocentric School
Our Mission

Children in Freedom School aims to reclaim Africa’s glory on the global stage by recognising the greatness inherent in every African child, nurturing it from an early age, and preparing them to use their greatness to design solutions that will change their local communities and the global world.
Media & Blog
I enjoyed interacting with your children. Fire and Light. The Sun/ Ra combines fire and light. Utheri and Oku are the sun of Africa.
Prof. Ngugi wa Thiong′o
Writer and Academic
Thankful to the ALMIGHTY GOD for leading me to my exact need at the exact time. I just withdrew my son from a school, having not seen the right progress for his level and not knowing what’s next.I met a friend while parking who told me the testimony of children in freedom. The way she described everything I knew that’s exactly what my child needs. Went the same day and my son was granted an interview which he did poorly. We decided upon tuition and under a very nice teacher. Its now one week, my son who is in pp2 could struggle to count to no. 20 or write No’s is comfortably doing assignments to 100 by himself and counting really well, I had to practically do home works for him coz he knew very little. His English is improved and I can’t imagine if one week was this impressive what GOD will do in four!GOD is doing an amazing job through Mr. And Mrs Oku. May HE increase you to do much more… — feeling blessed.
Mrs V. Njuguna
This School is from God!!
This was one of the highest moments at CIF. Pro. Ngugi wa Thiong’o is gem of international standards, a Nobel prize material and him having a lengthy one on one with the children is historical.
Thanks you “Fire” and “Light”; what a collaboration.
Henry Waitindi
The two hours’ meeting with Prof.Ngugi wa Thiongo with our children were captivating, inspiring, educative and insightful. This is the kind of exposure we could have wished for when we were younger but thank God, it’s right on time for our children. They’re doing good, they have the best people around them, fire and lightning and the whole of CIF fraternity and we are very happy and proud of you guys, this is the best school ever.
Dr Veronicah Njeri Kimani
Children In Freedom School You’re an institution that I always feel proud being associated with.Our children have always been hearing about @Prof. Ngungi today they saw abd interacted with him. Such great Exposure for our Scholars .#TheBestSchool
Obara Omanga, teacher
Thank you for that great meeting.Ngugi wa Thiongo is the greatest Kenyan writer of all time!Was there before me,I studied his literature,my daughter did and now my grandson brought him right in my living room!I am proud of being part of this great school.Niwega!
Immaculate Karuku
The only problem that CIF has brought to my family is my other children; they believe I shot-changed them by taking them to others schools ( I hope not “Karûmaindo Schools”)…. I share this blame with you Ûtheri and Kanayo; you should have established CIF much earlier.
Henry Methu
Well done Dr. Útheri Wa Kanayo and team. My prayer is that you will have a branch in Kisumu soon. There would be no debate…
Sarah Njuguna
👏 #thebestschoolever# CIFS in not just any other school. It’s a great vision given to great people Dr útheri n Oku Kanayo for the African Child. It is here in Nakuru. What a blessing.
Joyce Lee
I am so impressed with the progress Bray has made. Barely when I was 12yrs I couldn’t have known what prescription is, types of medicine etc. This is absolutely wonderful. Thanks for instilling values to my son and this I can attest; he’s going to be somebody in future. Thanks and congratulations for a job well done.
David Kinyanjui
Children in other parts of the world who receive quality Education learn relevant skills very early in life. This makes them technically and business - oriented in thier adult life. This is what is happening now at CIF. Kudos 👍