Founding Ethos

Founding Ethos

Freedom International School – Africa (formerly Children in Freedom Schools) was founded by Oku Kanayo and Utheri  in 2018. Fed up with the international rhetoric that paints the African continent as hopeless, backward and in need of saving, the couple decided to establish an Afrocentric institution. One that neither glorifies the global North nor undermines the global South. One that emphasises Africa’s value as a capable continent, historical goldmine and current global competitor. The Kanayos believe that this alternative mindset, if cultivated early, will create bountiful opportunities for the African child in the 21st Century. They will grow into Utambuzi: An awareness of who they are, and their worth and potential to change the world. Their minds will be of Udadisi: Ever curious, inquisitive and embracing life-long learning. They will utilise their Ubunifu: A recognition of the endless possibilities to approach various challenges, and courage to design new solutions of their own. They will navigate life with Bidii: Putting all their efforts, hardwork and best foot forward in all that they do. And lastly, but definitely not least, they will be guided by the overarching philosophy of Ubuntu: “I am because we are”. They will find strength in not only the individual, but also the collective and work towards the true communal betterment of Africa and beyond. Why? Because Our Greatness Is Changing The World!